Monday, December 5, 2011


Feeling upset, or what we call “depressed” happens to everyone and the sadness eventually passes over time. However, a person with clinical depression finds it interferes with their daily life. Their self-esteem is very low, they feel emptiness and hopeless. Clinical Depression is a serious disorder; it drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to do to feel better. Many people suffer from this disorder and deal with it in the wrong way. There are many things in people’s daily life that can trigger this feeling. Some problems that can arise and lead to depression, would be dealing with constant bullying, feeling stressed, even the constant let down of not achieving something you truly care about. Bullying is a major reason as to why teens feel depressed; the daily picking on can really go to someone’s, and make them feel like they don’t belong and are unwanted. Bullying leads many teens to become seriously depressed were they don’t even want to go to school anymore and as the bullying continues teens eventually can’t take the depression anymore and end up taking their life. Another reason people can become depressed is if their feeling extremely stressed and have no idea how to cope with the situation. Feeling depressed because of stress can cause people to become resistant and constantly annoyed with their work, to the point that they don’t want to carry on. Another trigger to people’s depression is the constant let down of not achieving something that they truly care about. By people not receiving something that they worked really hard toward, they begin to give up and not care anymore. They become so depressed that they don’t even feel the need to get out of bed anymore. Depression is a serious disorder that can affect a person’s daily life and must be dealt with properly.

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