Tuesday, February 28, 2012
L3.) Things That Drive Me Crazy
There are many things that make me angry, but one thing that just drives me insane is the people that have no filters. I cannot stand when people just say whatever is on their mind and don’t care whether it is hurtful or not. I understand people like to get things they have been thinking about off there chest, but that doesn’t make it alright to say whatever you want and not think people will get offended. For example, when people bring up a topic you’re sensitive about and put there two sense in about it. I honestly can’t stand rude people, if you have an opinion and you know that someone is going to get upset over it why bother bringing it up? Another thing that fires me up is the SAT’s. I don’t agree with one test basing your future on whether you will get into college or not. Not everyone is strong in math, so I don’t think it’s fair to give a test where half of it is based on that. Also, the English portions are extremely hard, unless you study the whole dictionary there is no way to possibly know the vocab they put on their. I spent hours studying vocab flashcards and reviewing math and yet I still scored lower than a majority of my class. The final thing that drives me insane is my mother’s constant nagging. I understand she likes to have everything organized and the way she wants it, but the constant do this do that is irritating. The weekends are the worst because she has chores upon chores for everyone to do. You finish one thing and she just keeps adding them on, leaving no time to have some peace and quiet. The weekends may be worse than regular week days, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done.
L2.) Things I'm Afraid Of
There are many things that I am afraid of. One thing I am extremely terrified of is rats/mice. I hate the noise they make and most of all their long disgusting tails. The one time I was grabbing something out of my pantry when I noticed a mouse running across. I screamed as loud as I could waking up everyone in my house. It took me two whole days to work up the courage to enter my pantry. There was another time me and my friend wanted to go to Darien Lake so we went into my room to get sweatshirts. In one of my sweatshirts I noticed a whole in the front pocket and I knew what it was from. My friend and I began to panic and I called my mom hysterically crying. I was terrified to go back into my room so we just didn’t. I made my mom buy poison bags and this system that goes throughout the house and kills mice. Still to this day I am paranoid at night that I hear mice clawing at my walls. I can honestly say that mice are one of my biggest fears and I hope to never have to come into contact with one again. Another thing I am afraid of is Snakes. They are just so slimy and sneaky and I feel as though all they do is bite people. I have seen so many snakes in the yard during the summer as well as in my mom’s landscaping. I have come to the point that when my mom asks me to water her plants I have to break the news that I can’t because I don’t want to have to encounter a snake. Every time I went outside in the summer I would see a snake and then have to scream to my stepdad to take care of it. There was one time I opened the door to let my dog out when I noticed a snake unlike any I have ever seen. The snake was huge and my stepdad tried to kill it with a shovel, but it wouldn’t die so he had to trap it in a bucket of lacquer thinner. These are two things I am extremely terrified of and will never stop screaming in terror when I see them.
L1.) My Super Bowl Sunday

Most people on super Bowl Sunday spend their day grocery shopping for every snack you can possibly imagine. They go home and they prepare their dips and finger foods, then they pull out every drink in the house. Then all their friends come over to get ready for game time. But, for me on Super Bowl Sunday I spent my day doing laundry and cleaning my room. Then, when everyone was watching the Super Bowl I decided I would rather watch the Titanic. What better way to spend the last day of the weekend before you go back to school, by watching a classic. While everyone was screaming downstairs about the score, I was upstairs enjoying a nice romantic movie with Leonardo Dicaprio. I much rather watch the Titanic then sit for a billion hours to watch a boring football game. In my opinion half time and all the commercials are much more enjoyable to watch then the actual game. I think that every year on Super Bowl Sunday I will make my own tradition and watch the Titanic. Another great thing about Super Bowl Sunday was that everyone was downstairs in our theater room, so I didn’t have to deal with my obnoxious brother that loves nothing more than to annoy every waking minute. While everyone was chowing down on appetizers as their dinner, I was enjoying a nice steak dinner. I much rather spend my Sunday being productive than sitting around a TV screen all night for a sport I don’t even enjoy. I don’t understand the people, who watch the Super Bowl when they have absolutely no interest in football, stop pretending and just do something you actually enjoy. I definitely plan to continue on my tradition for the years on. I will watch the Titanic every year and hopefully people will join me in the tradition.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
K4.) Coming To Life

Stacey has spent her whole life listening to people tell her she is crazy and doesn’t know what’s real from fake anymore. Stacey admits that she has always had a strong imagination, but she can still tell when something isn’t right. When Stacey was little her father reprimanded her in ways many parents would look down on. Stacey had grown so terrified of her father and the lack of love he provided that she created imaginary friends. She knew that these friends were the only thing she had in the world and would be there when she fell down. What Stacey didn’t realize was that people started to question her sanity when they caught her at age fifteen talking to one of her so called friends. When people asked her who she was speaking and she told them, they automatically believed she was crazy. As Stacey grew older her imaginary friends started to disappear, but she continued to keep to herself. So, one day when she was resting in bed she started to notice the birds imprinted on her wallpaper coming to life. At first, Stacey just figured she was over tired and just seeing things. SO, she decided to open the window to get a little fresh air circulating around the room. Once Stacey returned to her bed, she began hearing chirping and the birds on the wallpaper started moving again. This time Stacey knew she wasn’t imagining this and that it was way too real to be fake. As she got out of bed and approached the wall she noticed one bird among all the others. The bird she noticed was coming out of the wall much faster than all the others. She watched as the bird removed its last wing from the wall and flew out the window. She knew that no one would ever believe her, but it didn’t matter because she knew it was real.
K3.) Tommy's Dream

It was a late night for Tommy Higgins, who prior to going to bed found out that his dad had been killed in an automobile accident. Most people would be upset to hear this news but not Tommy. Ever since Tommy’s little brother was born his father and him didn’t get along. The two spent most of their time arguing about Tommy’s attitude and Selfishness. His father didn’t appreciate how he never shared with his little brother, so when he had enough he decided to take away Tommy’s toys until he could learn to share. Ever since that day Tommy had resented his father. Tommy had never meant to be selfish or rude; he just wanted his father’s attention. So, hearing that his father had died wasn’t that upsetting for him, seeing as they didn’t have a great relationship in the first place. As Tommy went further into his sleep, he began to dream of his father and him playing baseball out In the front of the house. The two were as happy as could be and didn’t have a care in the world. What Tommy didn’t realize was that he was sleepwalking and everything he was dreaming about he was actually doing. He crept out his window baseball bat In hand, and luckily was on the first floor so he didn’t fall to his death. Tommy believed it was just a dream, but outside he stood swinging a bat and talking to thin air. It was the best night of Tommy’s life; he finally received the love and attention he always wanted from his father. Tommy finally felt as though his father cared and his brother didn’t always come first in his heart. When they finished baseball, Tommy awoke from his dream realizing he had slept walk and climbed back in through his window and then climbed back into bed and fell fast asleep.
Friday, February 3, 2012
K2.) Killer Husband

Bill Edgerton was an easy going, fair guy; he cared for everyone especially his wife. So one night Mr. Edgerton decided he would leave work early and surprise his wife with flowers and prepare her favorite meal for dinner. He spent the whole day gathering ingredients for the recipe, picking up her favorite flower yellow daisies, and then spent the rest of the day setting up the house with a romantic atmosphere. He started preparing chicken parmesan, and lit the table with dozens of candles. He knew that his wife would be home any moment so he went upstairs to put on a presentable outfit when he heard a bunch of racket coming from downstairs. The house was so big so it took him a minute to reach the stairs. When he reached the middle of the staircase he realized that his wife had brought company from the sound of it. Mr. Edgerton thought to himself for a while who she could possibly have over, when he heard the stereo come on and heard them dancing and sipping wine. He sat on the stairs for a while thinking about how he should approach his wife and her lover. After pondering his thought for a while he stammered down the stairs into the living room where he found his wife all over another man. He ripped her off of the tall, good looking, hair man and demanded how long they had been sneaking around. His wife made no response, so in return he grabbed her lover and dragged him out the door. When the man had finally left his driveway, he approached his wife with anger and confusion. Screaming with anger and frustration Bill raised the dining chair and smacked his wife over the head with it. After ten minutes of waiting for her to wake up and seeing no movement he began to panic. He thought of ways to dispose of the body without being caught. So, he then proceeded to wrap her up in a tarp, when he noticed movement under the tarp he raised the chair once again preparing to bring it down and end his wife for good.
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