Bill Edgerton was an easy going, fair guy; he cared for everyone especially his wife. So one night Mr. Edgerton decided he would leave work early and surprise his wife with flowers and prepare her favorite meal for dinner. He spent the whole day gathering ingredients for the recipe, picking up her favorite flower yellow daisies, and then spent the rest of the day setting up the house with a romantic atmosphere. He started preparing chicken parmesan, and lit the table with dozens of candles. He knew that his wife would be home any moment so he went upstairs to put on a presentable outfit when he heard a bunch of racket coming from downstairs. The house was so big so it took him a minute to reach the stairs. When he reached the middle of the staircase he realized that his wife had brought company from the sound of it. Mr. Edgerton thought to himself for a while who she could possibly have over, when he heard the stereo come on and heard them dancing and sipping wine. He sat on the stairs for a while thinking about how he should approach his wife and her lover. After pondering his thought for a while he stammered down the stairs into the living room where he found his wife all over another man. He ripped her off of the tall, good looking, hair man and demanded how long they had been sneaking around. His wife made no response, so in return he grabbed her lover and dragged him out the door. When the man had finally left his driveway, he approached his wife with anger and confusion. Screaming with anger and frustration Bill raised the dining chair and smacked his wife over the head with it. After ten minutes of waiting for her to wake up and seeing no movement he began to panic. He thought of ways to dispose of the body without being caught. So, he then proceeded to wrap her up in a tarp, when he noticed movement under the tarp he raised the chair once again preparing to bring it down and end his wife for good.
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