After I graduate from high school I plan on attending Brockport University for four years. I plan on majoring in health science, so I thought Brockport would be the perfect school to fulfill those hopes. While attending Brockport I hope to meet new people, which I figured dorming would allow me to do that. What I have heard from my cousin is that it was her best choice picking Brockport to go to, she said that everyone is friendly, the food is amazing , and that she is enjoying every last one of her classes. When I heard that I knew that Brockport was definitely a smart choice and there are no debating thoughts anymore about attending that school, I can’t go to any school that doesn’t have good food like my mom, so hearing that Brockport has the best food ever makes me want to go there more than ever. Once I graduate form Brockport I plan on transferring to D’Youville University for three more years to finish my degree, so that I can finally start my career as a chiropractor. I plan on starting my own chiropractic business where I hire people and they work for me because I really don’t enjoy having to follow other peoples rules or having to follow their schedule, I want to be able to take off on the holidays I want and not have to worry that I’m going to get fired. I think that once I start this career it’s going to be the best choice I ever made because not only will I be making the big bucks but it will be a job that I enjoy doing every day. If things don’t work out for some reason I will go to GCC for two years as a backup plan, until I figure out what to do.
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