A teacher that had really helped me over the past couple of years was Mrs. Gilmore. Not only did Mrs. Gilmore treat me with respect but she always made me feel good about myself, continuously complementing me. Mrs. Gilmore impacted me in so many positive ways; she taught me how to be patient and understanding. Whenever I needed help with my trigonometry homework or studying for a test she was always right there to help me, no matter how busy she was. I would go to her room every day after school and she would go problem by problem until I understood it. I also appreciated the fact that she showed and explained to me how you do the problems, and didn’t just do the problem for me because I would never learn from that. Another time Mrs. Gilmore was there for me was in 10th grade when I struggled with Earth Science and needed help to prepare for the regents exam, she would sit with me every day and go over flashcards, or she would show stuff online like castle learning that would help me to learn the information. She always motivated me to keep trying and not to give up because eventually it would come to me and in the long run it would pay off because I would know the information. Mrs. Gilmore impacted me in so many different ways, but the biggest was how she was able to go back and forth and help students that were in need and never left anyone out no matter how much work she still had to do. She is the most caring and generous person I have ever met, and has not once made me feel bad about myself; she always has something nice to say about everyone. Hopefully I meet someone like her in my future.
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