Have you ever wondered what life would be like if there was no such thing as music? I can honestly tell you that without music there would be no variety or creativity that sets people apart from one another. There would be no such thing as musicals, there would be no TV shoes based off of signing like American Idol, Glee, and even the voice. Music is a huge part of people’s everyday life, and is the one thing that makes people different. Everyone may listen to music, but not everyone has the same taste when it comes to what they listen to. There are some many different genres of music, such as pop, country, classical and so much more. Can you imagine how boring life would be without music, because for me I listen to it every day, and somehow it always makes me feel better when I’m in the worst of moods? If you really think about it a huge majority of your life is music, you listen to it while you’re driving, writing a paper, and even when you’re cleaning. There are probably twenty million more reasons as to why you listen to music, but the whole point is that music brings people together, and it shows us how to relax and be calm. Music can even bring people out of their comfort zone, and show them how to have fun. Another thing that would have never happened if music was never born would be dancing; People would never think to just do random dance moves without having listened to an inspiring beat. All I can say is that music has made life better for me in so many ways, it has helped to distract me during a long car ride, it relaxes me when I’m trying to sleep, and it even helps me to sound out my mom when she is being annoying. I absolutely wouldn’t be able to live without music, and I’m so thankful for it.
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