Have you ever thought about the different dreams you have each night and how they may relate to real life. Every person dreams something different; if you’re not being chased to your death, you’re dreaming about love, or you’re even dreaming about what happened in real life the day before. The point is everyone dreams, and just the thought of that amazes me. I think it is so intriguing to hear the different types of dreams people have, and what they thought of it. Not every dream you have, you will remember, but I find that the dreams you do remember are probably the one’s that mean more to you. No matter what you look like, the different talents you possess, or even the things you own; everyone dreams and that is the one thing in life everyone will have in common, and can never be changed. I thought the movie Inception Staring Leonardo Dicaprio, was just brilliant it showed you the ideas about dreaming and even talked about ways of controlling it. Whether you believe it or not dreams mean something, not just while your asleep but in reality. One thing I find really cool is that you can go online and there is a website where you can type in your dream and find out what it exactly means. Sometimes you will even have reoccurring dreams you haven’t had since you were a child, which could me you just recently found a fear you used to be terrified of. When I was younger I always use to dream that beetle juice was hiding under my bed waiting to kill me, and just recently I watched that movie and I had that reoccurring dream I used to have all the time. I believe that parts of your dreams contain something that happened in that day. Every time I have a dream it always deals with something I encountered or thought about that day, so I truly believe that dreams mean something.
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