I would have to say the best book I ever read for an English Class would be Tuesday’s With Morrie. I really enjoyed how heartfelt and meaningful the story truly was. Every year for english we would have to read boring books that I had absolutely no interest in reading about,but was forced to if I wanted to pass. This year for english when we started reading Tuesdays With Morrie I felt like I was sucked in. Everything about this book I loved. The fact that this book was written based on the authors life I think is pretty cool. I love how the book started off with Mitch a married man only caring about work but progressively realizing that he should spend his time with family because their the most important. I also really enjoyed reading Morrie’s advice to Mitch because I thought that could teach everyone a life lesson. Another book that I enjoyed reading in english was Someone Like You. This novel I chose to read in my junior year for my book reports. But pretty much the whole idea of the story I loved. I love girly books that have romance in them and so this is why the book was perfect for me. The story had several twists which made it pretty interesting to read up on. The story is about a teen girl learning of her best friends pregnancy to a guy that just passed away. Throughout the story the girl tries to help her best friend cope with her boyfriends death and tries to help her get ready to be a mother. But, along the way she meets this guy, they start dating but he ends up changing her for the worse. At the end she realizes thats not what she wants in life and is there for her friend as she awaits the birth of her child. Both of these stories are great reads and I would recommend them to anyone.
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