Monday, May 14, 2012

Q5.) Woman Contracts Flesh Eating Virus

I was quite shocked to read an article about twenty four year old Aimee Copeland contracting a flesh eating bacteria after riding a homemade zip line. The bacteria is known as necrotizing fasciitis, a rare but potentially deadly disease that ravages the body’s tissues and causes them to die off. It is said that the fall left a gash in her left calf, needing twenty two staples to close it. Which they believe to have been the entry point for the necrotizing fasciitis. Doctors have since had to amputate one of her legs, and may have to remove her fingers and her remaining foot. However, physicians have hope of bringing life back to the palms of her hands, which could allow her the muscle control to use helpful prosthetics. They are awaiting a safe time before embarking on surgery for this. Even though Aimee has faced serious changes to her life she still worries about school and all the work she has missed, which I find to be quite funny. Andy Copeland, Aimee’s father told her that one day, the family will celebrate Aimee day, when she will be able to breathe on her own. He said, “ were going to celebrate that day forever for the rest of your life. Its the day that my daughter was delivered from this horrible, horrible disease.” Since then Aimee’s father has created a facebook page to keep people posted about his daughters astonishing recovery. After reading this article I can’t believe how lucky she was to discover the infection before it was to late. I also am astonished to hear that this bacteria is a potentially deadly disease and that she recovered quickly. I also find it great that she has such a loving family that stuck by her throughout all her surgeries and supported her through her time of need. 

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