Wednesday, December 21, 2011
If I Could Travel Back In Time To The 70's

Making The World A Better Place!!!

An Interview With Zach Miner
Zach Miner, a member of the class of 2014, happens to actually be a pretty cool kid. The interview was pretty successful, I learned a lot about the things he is interested in. His favorite sport is football because you have the opportunity to tackle whoever you please. He is currently involved in the Newspaper club which he quotes “is just a club were you write articles for the school newspaper.” Zach’s favorite subject throughout high school is history because he enjoys picturing himself going back in time and being there. His favorite movie is Insidious because it’s scary and funny all at the same time. Zach’s favorite genre is rock because he like how there is absolutely no rapping involved. When he grows up he hopes to have a job in medicine because it would be an interesting job and a great career to get involved in. Outside of school he enjoys taking the time to play football with his close friends. His biggest fear in life is failure because he said it’s the worst feeling knowing that you didn’t do your best. If Zach was granted with one wish it would be that the world wouldn’t come to an end in 2012 because he doesn’t want to die. His favorite color is green because it reminds him of grass and snakes. In ten years he sees himself playing professional football, or working in a medical field or even studying animals. He said his absolute favorite food would have to be key lime pie because it’s sour and sweet at the same time. Zach’s favorite pop culture icon is Peyton Manning a quarterback of the Indianapolis Colts, says he is a really good player; he doesn’t show off and has a sense of humor. After finding out more about Zach Miner I realized he is probably a cool person to be around.
Monday, December 19, 2011
Best Holiday Ever!!!!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dream Vacation

If I could travel anywhere in the world it would definitely have to be Hawaii. Not only have I never been there, but I find it to be the most appealing location to visit on vacation. I have heard so many great things about Hawaii that increases the anticipation of one day traveling there. Some of my cousins travel there every other year and have nothing but great things to say. Not only, can you sightsee, there are so many different excursions you can try out. There is zip lining, helicopter tours, day cruises and even Dolphin encounters. If I went to Hawaii for vacation I would be able to see Pearl Harbor, one of the most popular landmarks. Pearl Harbor happens to be the largest natural harbor in the United States to have the distinction to be recognized as National Historical Landmark. While there I would be able to see Haleakala, a non-erupting volcano which stands in the middle of Haleakala National Park. Not only would sightseeing and the different excursions make the trip amazing, but I believe the resorts in Hawaii are absolutely beautiful and would love to stay at any one of them. I think that sleeping in, getting up and lying by the beach every day, would just be the most relaxing thing ever. I’m the type of person that can spend their day relaxing, I don’t enjoy the constant hustle and bustle and I don’t consider that being on vacation. Vacation means not caring about schedules or money, just having some good old fun. When I am older and mostly likely graduated from college I hope to travel to Hawaii with a few of my good friends. Not only would traveling to Hawaii be an amazing experience, it would never compare to any other vacation I have ever went on.
Monday, December 5, 2011

Feeling upset, or what we call “depressed” happens to everyone and the sadness eventually passes over time. However, a person with clinical depression finds it interferes with their daily life. Their self-esteem is very low, they feel emptiness and hopeless. Clinical Depression is a serious disorder; it drains your energy, hope, and drive, making it difficult to do what you need to do to feel better. Many people suffer from this disorder and deal with it in the wrong way. There are many things in people’s daily life that can trigger this feeling. Some problems that can arise and lead to depression, would be dealing with constant bullying, feeling stressed, even the constant let down of not achieving something you truly care about. Bullying is a major reason as to why teens feel depressed; the daily picking on can really go to someone’s, and make them feel like they don’t belong and are unwanted. Bullying leads many teens to become seriously depressed were they don’t even want to go to school anymore and as the bullying continues teens eventually can’t take the depression anymore and end up taking their life. Another reason people can become depressed is if their feeling extremely stressed and have no idea how to cope with the situation. Feeling depressed because of stress can cause people to become resistant and constantly annoyed with their work, to the point that they don’t want to carry on. Another trigger to people’s depression is the constant let down of not achieving something that they truly care about. By people not receiving something that they worked really hard toward, they begin to give up and not care anymore. They become so depressed that they don’t even feel the need to get out of bed anymore. Depression is a serious disorder that can affect a person’s daily life and must be dealt with properly.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Do standardized tests accurately predict how students will fare in college?

Senior year is a stressful time for every student planning on attending college; if you’re not gathering teacher recommendations, then you’re sending out your transcripts, or applying to your dream college. But the most stressful time for students, is the constant waiting to find out your SAT score. This test determines whether or not you get accepted into a school. In my opinion, I believe that the SAT should not be the most important criteria to be accepted into a school. Studies have shown that women scored lower on the SAT then males, but overall women have better grades in high school and college. I agree that these tests should determine part of your acceptance, but the main criteria should be your grades and participation throughout your high school years. I find the SAT to be biased, if you’re not strong in math, you really don’t have a chance in doing well on the SAT; unless you scored extremely well in the critical reading portions. My cousin did extremely well in high school, every year she was on the honor roll, and she took every advanced placement class offered; but when it came down to her SAT score she didn’t do as well as she hoped, and worried that she wouldn’t be accepted to her dream school. I find it unfair for colleges to deny you to their school just because you’re not the best test taker. There are students that don’t do anything in school but are just naturally smart, and then there are students that work extremely hard, study, and get extra help whenever needed. So I believe it’s not right to judge someone’s future on one test and not on their whole high school career. If colleges were to focus more on the accomplishments of four years of high school rather than one test, they would be able to determine whether the student is a hard worker or a slacker.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Favorite Music Genre

Monday, November 21, 2011
3 Favorite Movies

Favorite Novel

My all-time favorite book as of now would definitely have to be The Last Song. I love everything about it; the plot, setting, and all the characters. Nicholas Sparks is one of my favorite authors, so just the fact that he wrote this novel makes me love it all the more. My favorite type of book is something involved with romance and heartbreak. Sparks does an amazing job of getting you to connect with the characters. This book is all about a young girl Ronnie, from New York, going to live with her father for the summer, along with her little brother, where she meets a guy; she ends up falling in love with. She starts to become that happy person she used to be, and gets back into playing the piano. The book comes to an end with her finding out her father has cancer, and there is not much time for him to live; the last days of his life, she spends finishing a piano piece that her father had started. I really like how the title describes the story perfectly. I absolutely enjoyed reading this book because it described real emotions, and things that happen in life. This book has the perfect characters, I really love how Nicholas Sparks made Ronnie resent her dead for moving, and then at the end she becomes closer to her dad, and ends up resenting how she took everything for granted and didn’t respect her father. Even, the details on how Ronnie felt when she met Liam, or when she found out her dad was dying of cancer were just brilliant and well written. I enjoyed being able to read this book, and feel a connection to it; this book had me balling my eyes out. This book was even made into a movie, staring my favorite person ever Miley Cyrus, so I was extremely happy about that. Last Song had me never wanting to put down the book, and that rarely happens for me.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
How Influential Music Really Is

Thanksgiving Traditions

For thanksgiving some yearly traditions my family all takes joy in, is having the whole family come over to my house, and bringing the same dish every year. One of the biggest traditions my family takes part in, is sitting around the table before we eat going around the table and sharing what were thankful for. Every thanksgiving dinner we have turkey, ham, cheesy potatoes, salad, bread, and of course some kind of casserole. After we finish dinner, we go straight to cleaning, and then the best part of the whole night dessert. The desserts consist of apple pie, cheesecake, chocolate cake, and of course ice cream. Once everyone is finished eating we all join in for a game of catch phrase, then it gets more intense and we play scat, which is a card game and everyone puts in three dollars, at the end whoever wins gets all the money which happens to usually be me. When we’re not celebrating thanksgiving as a family at my house we go to New York to visit our second cousins. Every time we go down there, my cousins, my brother and I always go to watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. All I can say is that if you have never been to a parade, then it’s one of those things you have to do before you die, because it always puts me in such a good mood. When were finished at the parade we head back to get ready to go to are great aunt’s for dinner. I must say they make the best food because my one cousin is a chef for bravo, and every time we visit she makes the best turkey, and cheesecake. When were all done eating my cousins and I enjoyed going down to the basement and playing some Nazi zombies. I hope these family traditions continue on as I grow older.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Favorite Holiday Ever

Ever since I was a little girl, I considered Christmas to be my favorite holiday. I love being able to have the whole family get together and celebrate. It’s really nice when family members from out of state even come to visit. Another reason Christmas is my favorite holiday is because you receive most of the things you have been wanting and asking for. Not only do you receive gifts, but you get the pleasure of thinking about someone else that means very much to you, and showing that by also giving back. There is nothing better than being able to put a smile on someone else’s face. Christmas is times for forgiving, and showing love for the one’s you care about. But the main reason Christmas is such an important holiday is that it gets people to join family and friends to join together and celebrate Jesus’ birthday. Even the weather that comes with Christmas, adds to why I love the holiday so much. I absolutely enjoy sitting around the Christmas tree with my family opening up gifts, and being able to see the snow falling outside. Christmas doesn’t just involve getting all the gifts you can ever imagine, but it also brings with all the food you could ever dream of. Christmas dinner is my favorite part of the holiday, my family serves turkey, ham, cheesy potatoes, and so many more delicious foods. But of course desert is what everyone saves their appetite for, because there are always a million pies and cakes to choose from. I absolutely love Christmas, I enjoy being able to visit all sides of my family, because it’s rare that I see these people. I also enjoy being able to see what other people get for Christmas, and how they react to it.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Benefits to being young

Life After High SChool

After I graduate from high school I plan on attending Brockport University for four years. I plan on majoring in health science, so I thought Brockport would be the perfect school to fulfill those hopes. While attending Brockport I hope to meet new people, which I figured dorming would allow me to do that. What I have heard from my cousin is that it was her best choice picking Brockport to go to, she said that everyone is friendly, the food is amazing , and that she is enjoying every last one of her classes. When I heard that I knew that Brockport was definitely a smart choice and there are no debating thoughts anymore about attending that school, I can’t go to any school that doesn’t have good food like my mom, so hearing that Brockport has the best food ever makes me want to go there more than ever. Once I graduate form Brockport I plan on transferring to D’Youville University for three more years to finish my degree, so that I can finally start my career as a chiropractor. I plan on starting my own chiropractic business where I hire people and they work for me because I really don’t enjoy having to follow other peoples rules or having to follow their schedule, I want to be able to take off on the holidays I want and not have to worry that I’m going to get fired. I think that once I start this career it’s going to be the best choice I ever made because not only will I be making the big bucks but it will be a job that I enjoy doing every day. If things don’t work out for some reason I will go to GCC for two years as a backup plan, until I figure out what to do.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Favorite Class

My favorite class as of now for this year would definitely have to be media production. The reason I enjoy media production so much is because it gives me a chance to try something new and see if I like it. I really enjoy getting the chance to go out and film different stories that I find interesting, and having them go on TV for everyone else to see. Not only is it a new experience for me but it is also a class where you can have fun and not always have to be so serious. What makes the class ten times more enjoyable is the fact that I recently got the position as a co-anchor for filming WACS News episodes. So every other week I get to on air and read a script that will eventually be aired on TV. Being in this class gives me a chance to get my face out there and become well known, it will also help me in the long run when it comes time to fill out applications because it is something different that most schools ever even offered. Most of all I really enjoy the class because it’s small and gives everyone a chance to talk to each other. Not only does this class give me the opportunity to try something new, such as learning the different techniques that come with filming and then learning how to edit, but it’s not like the ordinary classes where you have to take tests and write papers. Media production allows me to go into depth about different stories every week that not only me but others would be interested in hearing about. I also enjoy the class more than any other class because You get to work with technology you would have never worked with if it wasn’t for that class.
Most Influential Person

A teacher that had really helped me over the past couple of years was Mrs. Gilmore. Not only did Mrs. Gilmore treat me with respect but she always made me feel good about myself, continuously complementing me. Mrs. Gilmore impacted me in so many positive ways; she taught me how to be patient and understanding. Whenever I needed help with my trigonometry homework or studying for a test she was always right there to help me, no matter how busy she was. I would go to her room every day after school and she would go problem by problem until I understood it. I also appreciated the fact that she showed and explained to me how you do the problems, and didn’t just do the problem for me because I would never learn from that. Another time Mrs. Gilmore was there for me was in 10th grade when I struggled with Earth Science and needed help to prepare for the regents exam, she would sit with me every day and go over flashcards, or she would show stuff online like castle learning that would help me to learn the information. She always motivated me to keep trying and not to give up because eventually it would come to me and in the long run it would pay off because I would know the information. Mrs. Gilmore impacted me in so many different ways, but the biggest was how she was able to go back and forth and help students that were in need and never left anyone out no matter how much work she still had to do. She is the most caring and generous person I have ever met, and has not once made me feel bad about myself; she always has something nice to say about everyone. Hopefully I meet someone like her in my future.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Bullied to Suicide

After reading the article and watching the clip on Jamey Rodemeyer’s suicide, I feel so disgusted. I cannot believe other students can make fun of a person for being different, to the point where they want to end their life. Jamey was so young, so it makes me really upset to see that a young boy committed suicide. I feel as though other student’s may have bullied Jamey because they have low self-esteem and don’t feel good about themselves unless their spending their time to make someone else’s life miserable. I hate how people think they can judge someone for being different; people weren’t born to all be beautiful, popular, and looked the same and acted the same there wouldn’t be any features you would like about that person because everyone would look alike. After watching the video clip on Jamey I agree with Lady Gaga that Bullying is a hate crime and needs to become illegal, because if not it will never end. If bullying doesn’t become illegal other kids form other schools will continuously be bullied to no end. Another thing that upsets me is that if you feel it’s okay to bully someone and feel no pity for the person, then you shouldn’t hide behind computers because obviously you just don’t care. I will never understand the thrill those kids got from torturing Jayme, and at the time they probably didn’t see any wrong. Those kids that continuously tortured Jayme will now have to live with his suicide for the rest of their lives. I just hope that one day kids can grow up and start feeling good about themselves for worthy reasons, and not because they were able to feel better about themselves by making someone else feel like garbage. I know this will not be put to an end unless bullying becomes a crime.
Favorite Restaurant
My favorite restaurant in Alden would have to be McGavins. I have only been to the restaurant three times in my life, but each time I have never been disappointed with the outcome. I love the aroma I get from sitting inside the restaurant. My favorite thing about going to McGavins would be there chicken fingers because it’s a huge portion and they always taste amazing. A benefit to going to that restaurant is that all the servers are extremely nice and never screw up my family’s orders. My family and I love going to McGavins because it’s not a half hour drive to have some decent food, and we heard from other people it was a good restaurant before eating there. There are other restaurants in Alden that have good food, but I have to say that I have had chicken fingers everywhere and no one compares to McGavins. Not only does McGavins have amazing chicken fingers but they even have really good burgers, and fish. Me and my family love going to McGavins usually on Friday nights, because after a long day of work or school we would like to go out but not have to drive in the car for a half hour to go somewhere with decent food. It’s also nice to go to McGavins at times because I get to see one of my good friends that work’s there, and catch up on how one another’s life is. Not only does the restaurant have good food but my family and I really like the setup of the booths and tables. It’s also nice to go to McGavins because the food isn’t a rip off like other places, where there food doesn’t have taste well and they will charge you for any extras you want like dressing, or even sauce.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
The Perfect Lunch

Friday, September 30, 2011
End Bullying

Monday, September 26, 2011
The Good Old Days

What's Life Without Summer

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Pros and cons of using Facebook

Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Top Writing Interests

Some things I feel most comfortable writing about are sports I’m involved in, school activities, and things happening out in the community. I find that it’s easy for me to focus on these things and right about them because they grab my attention. I think it would be well worth my time if I spent it writing about topics that trigger my creativity. My favorite topic I would enjoy writing about would be school happenings; such as school dances, battle of the classes, maybe even the different clubs offered throughout the school. I think it would be fun to sit in on Spanish club meeting and take part in what they’re doing, because being there and being involved in the conversations will definitely improve the writing piece then if you weren’t there. If I was to right about those topics I could mention in my articles the different activities people are taking interest in, and I could interview someone going on the Spanish trip this year and ask them things they hope to see and how excited they are to visit a place they have never been to before. When they return from their Spanish trip I can interview them again to get all the details on the trip and what the most exciting part was, and if they would hope to return later in their life. As much as I would enjoy writing about those things I wouldn’t have problem writing about other topics that might draw reader’s attention. There really isn’t any topics I would hate talking about but I would like to stay away from opinionated topics where it’s all a matter of what the reader thinks. Lastly a main topic I would be interested in talking about would be all the seniors’ plans for after high school. Such as what college they want to go to, what their career interest are, and if they plan on staying nearby or dorming .
Friday, September 9, 2011

Over the past years of high school I have to say my favorite period here was sophomore year. I enjoyed sophomore year the most because I was placed in all my friends classes, people were a little bit less dramatic, and I actually really enjoyed the classes I had to take. Sophomore year we were no longer the youngest as freshman but classes were less stressful, and I got along with everyone. I took earth science, geometry, English, global, health, and leadership. I loved leadership the most because it aloud I too step out from the crowd a little more and form my own thoughts extra freely. My least favorite class that year was Earth Science because I struggled to pay attention because it was hard grasping the information. The class helped me opinionate my own voice. In my sophomore year I also appreciated my teachers. They all made the subjects easier to understand and learn. Homecoming sophomore year was the time of my life, my friends and I really knew how to have a good time. After the dance we would collect all the balloons and take them with us for our sleepover. At our sleepover we would suck out all the helium of the balloons and listen to all of our crazy voices. Another fun experience sophomore year was attending all the football games with my friends, and being able to witness them make it to the ralph. Sophomore year I was also a part of the girl’s swim team and was able to experience all the good things that come along with joining a sport. I made new friends and improved my swimming skills, as well as losing that extra weight to feel better about myself. There is so many reasons why Sophomore year was my favorite and there are times I could relive that year.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Accomplishments for senior year

9-8-11 Best Summer Ever

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