Tuesday, February 28, 2012

L3.) Things That Drive Me Crazy

There are many things that make me angry, but one thing that just drives me insane is the people that have no filters. I cannot stand when people just say whatever is on their mind and don’t care whether it is hurtful or not. I understand people like to get things they have been thinking about off there chest, but that doesn’t make it alright to say whatever you want and not think people will get offended. For example, when people bring up a topic you’re sensitive about and put there two sense in about it. I honestly can’t stand rude people, if you have an opinion and you know that someone is going to get upset over it why bother bringing it up? Another thing that fires me up is the SAT’s. I don’t agree with one test basing your future on whether you will get into college or not. Not everyone is strong in math, so I don’t think it’s fair to give a test where half of it is based on that. Also, the English portions are extremely hard, unless you study the whole dictionary there is no way to possibly know the vocab they put on their. I spent hours studying vocab flashcards and reviewing math and yet I still scored lower than a majority of my class. The final thing that drives me insane is my mother’s constant nagging. I understand she likes to have everything organized and the way she wants it, but the constant do this do that is irritating. The weekends are the worst because she has chores upon chores for everyone to do. You finish one thing and she just keeps adding them on, leaving no time to have some peace and quiet. The weekends may be worse than regular week days, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t work to be done.

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