Thursday, March 15, 2012

M2.) Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a serious problem and affects everyone in different ways. There are many factors of distracted driving that must be taken into account such as eating and drinking, texting while driving, changing the radio, and applying makeup. Among these it is said that one in four American teen drivers are texting while driving. Research studies have also shown that senior drivers are involved in more fatal car accidents than any other driving age group. In my opinion distracted driving is unsafe, irresponsible, and in a split second, its consequences can be devastating. There are so many ways to overcome the pressure of distracted driving such as placing calls when the car is stopped or have the passenger call for you. There is no message that is more important than your life, so it can wait. Another thing to avoid while driving is aggressive driving because it only gets you more stressed behind the wheel and you tend to not focus on safe driving. Driver distractions are the leading cause of most vehicle crashes. Not only does distracted driving affect you but it also harms your family and those involved in the accident. I believe that people need to be more aware of their driving situations and avoid accidents that don’t need to happen. There is no need to apply makeup, read or text while driving. You should be able to drive somewhere without those worries and if it is such a big deal to you pull over and do it in a safe area where no one will be harmed. My views are that teen drivers and senior drivers are shown to be involved in the most fatal car accidents. Teens shouldn’t have more than two kids in their car at a time because they become completely distracted and end up not paying attention to the road which leads to major car accidents. Senior drivers have difficulty seeing road signs and therefore end up going through red lights and stop signs creating serious accidents. I believe senior drivers should be retested.

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