Thursday, March 15, 2012

M3.) Most Embarrasing Thing Ever

The most embarrassing moment of my life would have to of been when I was walking down the staircase to my advisement, when I slipped flat on my butt. It was just a normal day; I was talking with my friends when we approached the staircase thinking everything was good. I made it down the first portion of stairs but once I hit the second part of the stairs I felt my feet give way and eventually I landed on my butt. It wasn’t over though I continued to slide down the stairs, as people started to notice and began to fill with laughter. I was so embarrassed and I really wish I hadn’t of worn my slip on shoes because then I wouldn’t have slipped and embarrassed myself. I couldn’t believe everyone was laughing at me and my face began to become extremely red, or at least that is what I was told. The next most embarrassing that happened in my life would have had to been when I answered the phone to an Indian voice, my first reaction was really my brother is trying to prank call me for the second day in a row. I decided he wasn’t going to foul me this time, so I decided to make fun of his Indian accent and tell him how stupid he was for calling me. Then I told him to hang up because he had a stupid accent. I decided to pick up the phone to call my mom’s office, but the guy was still on the other end so I continued to tell him how stupid he was until he finally hung up. Once he did I was able to call my mom’s office because I wanted to know why my brother pranked called me. She told me that they were talking the whole time and he never called. I had realized that the Indian guy I was talking to on the phone was not my brother and I couldn’t believe I had talked to the guy like that.

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