Thursday, March 15, 2012

M4.) My Most Interesting Friend...

There is not many people in this world I can honestly say I enjoy being around but there is one person that comes to mind, that I absolutely enjoy hanging out with. My close friend Emily Hammer Walitzer is probably one of the funniest people to be around and for such reasons, that she is oblivious and sometimes confused. There was one time all my friends including Emily and I went to the town park to watch the fireworks for Fourth of July. At this time we all had to fight through the crowd to get good seats, not to mention there are people laying all around with their families on blankets getting ready for the fireworks to start. Most people think to themselves I better watch were I step because there is people lying down everywhere but not Emily. She ends up stepping on some guys head while walking by and doesn’t even realize that he is screaming. It was so funny because the guy was just lying their nicely with his family, not expecting for his face to get stepped in. Another time Cindy, Madeline, Emily and I all decided to go to the Galleria Mall to see a movie and shop. After the movie let out we had to walk through the mall to meet up with Emily’s mom. On that walk Emily didn’t notice a pop cup lying in the middle of her pathway and as she approached it her foot ended up kicking the cup right into the air directly hitting one of the mall cops. Now, I understand she didn’t see the cop and it was an accident but the mall cop obviously didn’t think the same. When Emily apologized to the cop he had the most disgusted look on his face and just continued to walk away. My friends and I began to die of laughter; we couldn’t believe Emily had kicked that cup directly at the cop and his reaction just topped it all off.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHAHAH. I can definitely see Emily doing this. This is hilarious!
